lucifer's history and what it means to me
bless be my beautiful venus, my morningstar! ave lucifer!

Φωσφόρος (Phôsphoros), Ἑωσφόρος (Eôsphoros), Ἑσπερος (Hesperos), Phosphorus, Eosphorus Hesperos Hesperus, Vesperus Vesper, Luciferus Lucifer, Helel (Dawn-Bringer, Evening-Bringer, Light-Bringer) ♀
EOSPHOROS (Eosphorus) and HESPEROS (Hesperus) were the gods of the star (aster planeta) Venus. They were originally regarded as two distinct divinities--the first, whose name means "Dawn-Bringer," was the god of the dawn-star, while the second, "Evening," was the star of dusk. The two star-gods were later combined. In ancient Greek vase-painting Eosphoros-Hesperos was as a youthful man either in the form of a bust surrounded by the shining orb of his star or as a winged god holding a torch and crowned with a shining aureole. The Greeks also named the star itself Aster Aphrodition or Star of the goddess Aphrodite. The Romans followed suit when they called it the Star of Venus, Venus being the Roman counterpart of Aphrodite. The Romans designated him by the names Lucifer and Hesperus, to characterize him as the morning or evening star. The evening-star, is called by Hesiod a son of Astraeus and Eos, and was regarded, even by the ancients, as the same as the morning star, whence both Homer and Hesiod call him the bringer of light, heôsphoros. ♀
Lucifer's known titles; Light Bringer, Light bearer, The Bringer of Light, Prince of Darkness, Prince of Pride, Lord of Taumiel, Lord of Light, Lord of the Forge, Lord of the Cunning Fire, Golden Man, King of the Bel-Fires, The Tempter, Emperor, Lord, Prince, Bringer of Fire, Bringer of Knowledge, Lord of Equality, Lord Illumination, Bringer of Enlighenment, Lord of Justice, Father of Rebellion, Bringer of Revolution, The Morning Star.♀