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lucifer's history in art and what it means to me

different classical and modern writings, poems, paintings and statues of lucifer

bless be my beautiful venus, my morningstar! ave lucifer!

work my thoughts
this is one of my favorite paintings of him, i see it more as anger and tears over his loss of being seen as a god or deity due to mistranslation of the bible and the chruch inflating his name with the devil and satan. modern witches, pagans and wiccans sometimes don't want to detangle him from the christian concept of him/his name etc because its too hard to find infomation due to it either being destoryed or lost to time. the gospel of witches had tripped some people out because of its usage of lucifer's name. many think they will be linked to satanism or be seen as a satanist, in which to demonize them is wrong, however, lucifer the greco roman pagan god and lucifer the fallen angel are still two sepreate and different concepts.
he's really cute here. sometimes he is referred to as a child.